Hip hip hooray today is the birthday from one of the most beautiful women on this planet namely the beautiful (in terms of inner and outer) Lady Gaga! Of course, I adore her because she’s in a lot of things really an icon for me. She really is always herself and out this in her way of doings and I love it. Most people can learn what from this woman, you must thinking how beautiful the world would be if there would be more people like her , of course not exactly the same because there is only one lady gaga! But the world would have much more color, so we don’t even need  the sun and rain for a rainbow. I really like this chick and of course her style so see here the style file of Mrs beauty and I say happy b-day with your 27 th birthday mother monster!
Some Quotes from Lady Gaga:
-”At the end of the day you won’t be happy until you love yourself”.
-”You have to be unique and different and shine in your own way”.
-”Trust is like a mirrow , you can fix it if it’s broke but you can still see a crack in that motherfucker’s reflection”.
-”You can wear whatever you want as long as you believe in it”.
-” A girl is just as hot as the shoes she choose”.














































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