Month: February 2014

Let the mind free

Sometimes I don’t understand why people don’t dare to be themself. If you are different or just yourself they don’t understand… But image a world with people who are all themself, who let them mind free, show their own style and show the world that everyone is different and that this is just good. I […]

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Sweet as candy

Lovesss! Oh gosh enfin the days come closer and closer by spring and I can’t wait… At the moment I’m really busy with all kind of things, but in the weekend I had a lovely shoot with Gaston Wals. So I thought it was time for a sweet as candy look, with mixing prints. What […]

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The girl from the night

 Guyssss<3 If you did follow me on instagram you saw I was busy with shooting and shooting. Take for example my collaboration with DollyhollyMolly and Ladoyennevintage. There was so much fun with those girls and did learn much from it. That is the best part of life, you can learn from every step you take […]

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