Month: November 2015


CLIENT: Triangle VintageARTWORK, PHOTOGRAPHY, STYLING & PRODUCTION: Anneliese van Buren @ ROOM031MUA: Melanie Groenendijk @ Melafide make up MODEL: Michelle Verpuggi @ Supongo Estilo

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Just a coat?

 Happy new week fashionistas! After a busy week and a relax weekend it’s time for a new week. Also girls like me needs sometimes to have fun  (or being wild). The last few days I didn’t travel that much, after some really hectic weeks with only travelling and hard work I finally could spend some […]

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Be like snow

We all live in our own fairytale, even if you don’t believe in magic…  How we fall in love with someone? What is the meaning from love? Why do we meet people in our live? And why do things not always happen as we planned? I hear mostly; everythings happens for a reason, probably yes, but […]

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