Month: January 2016

Say yes!

Hello people how you been? My week was pretty busy, with a lots of shows, meetings, shoots, dinners and much more… Sometimes a girl like me lives in a rollercoaster, we work day & night until the moon is shining. People mostly never understand how this is, working hard and having not that much time […]

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Fashion week has started

Happy Friday fashion dolls! How you guys been? The last few days I was really busy with a lot of styling jobs, modelling and events that I didn’t even had time to answer my emails…Januar is always a very hectic month, because it’s the month of the fashion weeks. Yesterday my schedule for Amsterdam fashion […]

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Forever the 50s

 -”Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” -” I just dress like… I’m an old black man. Sorry! Like I’m an old jewish black man. I just dress like it’s still the ’50s.” -” A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s […]

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