My loves! I hope you had an amazing NY’s eve and did rock the first days from 2014. I thought it was time for a new giveaway, so I teamed up with Weeklyfashiondeal. You can win the legging+ bag, the only thing you have to do is:

1. Like my facebook page:here
2. Follow me with instagram: here
3. Leave a comment with your email adress and  facebook username

To bad this lovely giveaway has ended the winner is mailed, congratulations! I wanna thank everyone, the next time there are new chances so see you than<3
 The look: Legging Weeklyfashiondeal Top H&M, Shoes Milanoo, Coat H&M,Bracelet H&M, Bag Weeklyfashiondeal &Bracelet H&M.

                                                                   Pictures made by Jennifer Penders

by //

74 Comments on Giveaway: Legging& Bag

  1. Imogen
    2 January 2014 at 21:41 (11 years ago)

    Everything goes so well together in this look, super stylish and fashion forward

  2. Shamu Boo
    3 January 2014 at 04:11 (11 years ago)

    That coat is so gorgeous and furry. And those leggings are wonderful on you. Look how they show off your fantastic, exciting legs. Those plus the beautiful belly make this an amazing and sexy post xx

  3. Kathleen Harper
    3 January 2014 at 07:20 (11 years ago)

    Great look! I love your shoes – great choice for this outfit. I love what you did with your hair too. You look gorgeous!

  4. Life's a shoe
    3 January 2014 at 08:06 (11 years ago)

    loving the print of your leggings and your shoeeeesss! they are awesome!

  5. itstimetostyle
    3 January 2014 at 12:46 (11 years ago)

    Thats really impresionant!

    Happy new year Michelle, a lot of kisses!!


  6. Kara
    3 January 2014 at 13:10 (11 years ago)

    lovely blog! Follow back?

  7. Lia Crystal
    3 January 2014 at 14:42 (11 years ago)

    So perfect look and red accessories. Follow you on FB as Ivana Jelínková, pitty that I don´t have Instagram.

  8. Linde Lou
    3 January 2014 at 15:43 (11 years ago)

    Great look! I Love it all!

  9. Jointy&Croissanty
    3 January 2014 at 16:20 (11 years ago)

    You always look fantastic!
    Happy New Year!

  10. Júlia Evelyn
    4 January 2014 at 03:49 (11 years ago)

    adorei! ADOREI!

  11. Sofia
    4 January 2014 at 09:44 (11 years ago)

    I have not any instagram account, I can't participate :'(
    I love this bracelet so much ! It's benn decades since I wanted this one !

  12. Tenshi-Chan
    5 January 2014 at 17:18 (11 years ago)

    aw i love your style so much
    here is my email :
    and my fb username is : dwina maretta ifarianto
    and my iinstagram id is : @marettadwina
    love <3

  13. IVY LAM
    6 January 2014 at 13:42 (11 years ago)

    Love your style and the outfits on your lookbook so much. It's so personal and unique! xx
    my FB name: Ivy Lyc

    P.S. Happy New Year !

  14. Lyudmila
    7 January 2014 at 17:24 (11 years ago)

    Cool look!
    FB-Lyudmila Sizova
    E-mail: lusizova at

  15. Rimshah Kay
    9 January 2014 at 10:36 (11 years ago)


    Happy New Year! May you have a prosperous year full of happiness and joy! 🙂

    Really nice pictures and photography. I really like the way you have styled the leggings with your red heels. It looks great! 🙂

    I would love to win these printed leggings and the bag. I have been really in to printed pants lately. These leggings would be a great addition to my small collection of tights. I don't own anything like a envelope style bag. So this would be my first such style bag.

    FB: Rimz Thought

    Thank you


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